I think this would be a great idea because it would get rid of some of the issues with a homework tag.
I think there shouldn't be a homework tag because:
- It doesn't directly encourage users to ignore the tag, but it tends to get added to the ignore list because some users think the tag means the asker is being lazy.
- Members tend to assume that some abstract or foundational questions being asked are homework and thus mark the question as Homework
- It's more often than not a subject of debate as to whether or not the asker is lying about it being homework
- There seems to be a negative stigma associated with tagging questions as homework on other SE
I have no citations for these points and they're mostly subjective, but these are my experiences.
I think if we use just-a-hint as a tag and encourage the asker to use it if they're doing homework we're alleviating a lot of these issues:
- We no longer argue about if a question is homework.
- If an asker refuses to put just-a-hint when it's clearly the homework, it's now the askers prerogative to do so, but members can still choose not to answer when they think it's clear.
- The negative stigma is removed from users who are just trying to review their knowledge and aren't asking homework.
I'de like to say this doesn't even need a tag and that would be my first choice, but given the way SE sites generally work this will leave ambiguity and the homework tag (or one similar) will be used instead of this. I think this tag would best indicate the purpose of the question without assigning any stigma to it.