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The one advantage I see to the homework tag is that it's a marker for questions for which a complete answer is not provided, only hints. This implies that two otherwise identical questions, one tagged homework
, the other not, deserve different answers and therefore cannot be duplicates. Conversely, the downside of not having a homework
tag is that a homework question might poison a legitimate question, because the next visitor with the same question wasn't doing homework and really needed the answer.
The main disadvantage I see to the homework
tag is the amount of friction it generates. If the tag exists, we need to manage the case where
- the asker vehemently denies that it's homework, and wants a full answer;
- someone else vehemently claims that it's obviously homework.
If it may or may not be homework, is it homework? Will you delete a full answer just because someone claims that the asker was cheating on homework?
If a student wants to have his homework done for him, and someone is willing to do it, that's fine with me. The student will eventually fail the course for lack of studying; too bad. If the question is a dump of the homework assignment, closing as not a real question may be warranted in some circumstances (typically, when the student only posted part of the assignment, and the posted text makes no sense on its own; or if the question is a scan of the homework sheet (true story!); or if the post is several unrelated questions).
On the other hand, I do not want the efforts of people who write answers to be for nothing: I am against moderating full answers to homework questions. If a partial answer is desired, the question can be worded accordingly.
I am stuck in this assignment about <subject>. Question 1 was …, and I solved it by <method>. Question 2 is …, and I'm stuck. How can I get started?
No need for a framing tag, and this question clearly does not call for a full answer, and would not be a duplicate of a question calling for a full answer.
For these reasons, I am against having a homework
tag at all.