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15 votes

Reduce voting threshold from 5 to 3 votes for close/reopen

Yes, please change the threshold on close/reopen votes.
Evil's user avatar
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5 votes

Reduce voting threshold from 5 to 3 votes for close/reopen

It's been quite a while since you escalated this request to the Community Team — sorry for the long wait! You now officially only need 3 close votes to close a question on Computer Science SE! After ...
V2Blast's user avatar
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2 votes

Reduce voting threshold from 5 to 3 votes for close/reopen

I suggest keeping the close vote requirement (stuff gets closed quickly anyway) but lowering the open vote requirement since there is usually less interest in questions that have been closed, and this ...
Anders Sandberg's user avatar
1 vote

Reduce voting threshold from 5 to 3 votes for close/reopen

No, please do not change the threshold on close/reopen votes.
Evil's user avatar
  • 9,495
1 vote

Will the close/reopen vote threshold be reduced from 5 to 3?

No. Not unless we specifically ask for it. If you would like to see the close/open threshold reduced to 3, it is my understanding that Stack Exchange is willing to try it out here if there is a ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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