8 votes

Should Computer Science Meta start doing weekly AMA's?

The original proposal seemed to be to hold the AMA itself on meta, which isn't what meta is for. If there is an AMA, it should be on chat. I also note that the AMA on Physics seems to have run ...
David Richerby's user avatar
5 votes

Should Computer Science Meta start doing weekly AMA's?

Interesting proposal, but I don't think an AMA is the best format for this site. The 'M' part is the part that I think doesn't really fit, why should the focus be on only one person? Couldn't other ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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4 votes

MathJax on Meta

We're not really sure why it wasn't turned on for Meta - it should have been enabled here when it was enabled on main. It's enabled now. :)
animuson's user avatar
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4 votes

Are remote sensing and computer science related?

I think there's seems to be some confusion or misunderstanding. You're not being prevented from submitting a proposed community promotion ad. In fact, you did submit such an ad, and it is up and ...
D.W.'s user avatar
  • 159k

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