During programing, I come up with some questions. For example, What is the difference between a DOM and a syntax tree?, tagged with parsers and syntax-trees.
Reading this article What topics can I ask about here? - Help Center - Computer Science Stack Exchange, I don't see where it directly mentions about this. I think the question may be classified as "programming language semantics, formal methods", but I'm not sure.
Most off-topic example questions in Are programming questions in scope on CS.SE? tie to a specific language, while my question is about web technology in general. And I think any computer technology is applied computer science.
The ACS Applied Computer Science journal lists its subject areas (categories) as: Computer Science, Information Systems, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Economics, Econometrics, Management. I guess web technology is a sub area of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering?
Some say that questions about implementations aren't on-topic. I understand that. But then, what is the difference between "implementing" and "applying"? Isn't that applying CS requires you to implementing a CS theory into code? Can you give some example?