Recently, I misinterpreted a question and provided an incorrect solution to a problem.
Can, I mark it in any way just like we have "duplicate" questions?
Recently, I misinterpreted a question and provided an incorrect solution to a problem.
Can, I mark it in any way just like we have "duplicate" questions?
I can suggest two ways to handle the case where you misinterpreted the question:
Delete your answer. Enough said, no further action needed.
Delete your answer. Post a new question, that asks the question you thought you were answering, and post your answer there.
How to choose between those two? It might depend, for instance, on whether you expect the alternate question to be useful to others in the future.
You might also consider whether it makes sense to edit the question to make it clearer, to help other readers avoid misinterpreting it in the same way you did. You might not be the only one to come away with the wrong impression of what is being asked.
So, I don't think we need a way to mark answers as "I misinterpreted the question", and I don't think it would be beneficial.