When looking at a list of questions, for example on page https://cs.stackexchange.com/, we tend to assess the interest of the whole compound question+answers+comments from the vote rating given to the question itself. But that rating is usually supposed to be more a rating of the question alone and the way it was asked.
Furthermore, a question may be uninteresting as asked, but have interesting answers, possibly only one, that may be worth looking at.
This answer may be ignored because the question has a poor vote rating. Low viewing will result, and there may be no reason for another answer.
This happens quite often, and seems unfair to people who try to give interesting answer even when the question is questionable. It is also a loss for users who might have been interested by the answer.
The following question was asked today: Finding context free grammar for this language?
Right now, it is downvoted to -1, actually +1-2. This may be a fair rating, for a rather trivial question.
However, I found that the answer given by Rick Decker had an interesting remark (it was for me), and I upvoted it, which I do not usually do for answer to very trivial questions.
I may of course be wrong in my assessment (I am far from knowing or remembering all the available information). But if I am right, then Rick Decker's interesting remark is wasted.
On the question page, the question shows as: votes: -1, answers: 2, views 29 after 11 hours.
A possibly undesirable side-effect may also be that people may upvote a question they answer so as to attract attention on their answer, even though the question may not deserve it.
So, the above is the problem, as I see it.
Regarding the solution:
One possibiliy would be to rate by a separate vote the question, and the whole set of question+answers+comments. But that is too complicated and heavy on users.
Another solution, much simpler, whould be to rate questions in lists with the highest vote received by the question or any of its answers.
Then the question would appear on page https://cs.stackexchange.com/ with the vote rating +1 due to to the upvote on the first answer, instead of the -1 vote on the question itself (which would of course remain at -1 on the page of the question).
This is not the first time I encounter such a situation, and that is why I am bringing it to your attention.
Maybe that is easy to do. Are there reasons not to do it?