Multi-posting, i.e. posting the same question on several Stack Exchange sites, is [strongly discouraged as a matter of network-level policy]( In the specific case of CS and [CSTheory](, multi-posting should be forbidden.

If a question is asked on CSTheory, is a generally good CS question but is not research-level, it should be migrated to CS. I expect that when CS graduates, it will become a migration target for CSTheory; in the meantime CSTheory moderators can migrate the question.

Conversely, if a question about theoretical CS is asked on CS and turns out to be research-level, it may be migrated to CSTheory (by a CS moderator).

I expect that we'll get incoming migrations from [Mathematics]( and [Stack Overflow]( and [Programmers](

As long as we're in private beta, it's too early for any migration. Generally migrations should wait until the target site has moderators (this is not a hard-and-fast rule). The private beta is intended to seed the site with good questions as well as establish some minimum participation; we should stick to original questions (original for Stack Exchange, I mean) for the duration of the private beta.