This phenomenon is well-known on Stack Overflow. When a question has an obvious solution, it's common that several people post near-identical questions at nearly the same time.
The accepted moderation behavior is to leave these answers alone. Moderators would intervene only if a redundant answer was posted markedly later than the others. If the answers are posted within a few minutes of each other, we don't look at the exact timestamp.
If the posters wish to remove their answer because it's identical to another answer, that's encouraged. But that only goes if the answers are truly near-identical: having answers that explain the same solution in different ways is perfectly fine.
- What's the appropriate etiquette when two people correctly answer a question at the same time?
- Given two [practically] identical [useful] answers, which answer do you vote for?
- What if 2 answers are essentially the same?
- What if two different users post nearly identical answers to a question at the same time?