Questions tagged [feature-request]

You have an idea for a new feature, or for a change to the existing functionality.

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Dark mode for CS.SE

Following this post, and in particular : We will not be updating any individual site themes I wondered if it would be possible to update cs.stackexchange's color themes to add a dark mode. I am not ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
  • 15.6k
0 votes
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Feature Request: use `<br># ... # <br>` for large text inside of a Table

A Feature Request Regarding Markdown Tables I was hoping to find a way to insert text of the same size as headers inside of markdown language tables. ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Stackexchange promotes cheating

Many questions on this site are homework questions. Some students would like to hide the fact that they used this site for solving their homework, and so after getting the answer, they immediately ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Add question "difficulty"

I'm not sure whether it's technically possible to implement. Idea: allow users to define the "difficulty" of the problem. Each user can vote to determine how hard the problem is, from $1$ to ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Make reputation a function of answer/question score

I'm not sure whether it's technically possible to do. Problem: let a question get $20$ downvotes and $5$ upvotes. The question's score is $-15$, while the asker's reputation increases by $10$. Doesn't ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Standard replies to common issues (and macros for them) [duplicate]

Do we have a list of standard replies to common issues? E.g. what to reply when no attempt is shown, when the question is in an image, etc. D.W. seems to be already using their own list, but I think ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Catch 22: It is not fair that some people get question blocked for 6 months and get no votes on their new question thus creating another 6 month wait

I agree that users should be strictly upheld to creating quality questions and answers, but the issue is when someone learned from their mistakes and creates a good question. To only be reinstated ...
The T's user avatar
  • 319
7 votes
2 answers

Users deleting questions after obtaining answers

Versions of this question have been asked before (check questions tagged deleted-questions), but the problem persists. A new user posts a question, obtains an answer, then promptly deletes the ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I want to be able to formulate a question about X3C-algorithm; while being question banned. And wait until the ban is over

x3c-solver using string comparisons and nested loops I found a great on-topic question for this site that could be of great value. Question Can I at least be able to write a question and not be ...
The T's user avatar
  • 319
9 votes
5 answers

Reduce voting threshold from 5 to 3 votes for close/reopen

I would like to propose lower threshold for votes. I motivate this with high threshold for votes, rather small community (compared to SO for example), which in turn yields poor users' moderation. To ...
Evil's user avatar
  • 9,455
2 votes
1 answer

Will the close/reopen vote threshold be reduced from 5 to 3?

Recently I find that the close/reopen vote threshold is reduced from 5 to 3 in StackOverflow. Will this feature be applied in this site? I think this feature will be really helpful because in this ...
xskxzr's user avatar
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Anyway to mark my answers as "mis-interpreted question"?

Recently, I misinterpreted a question and provided an incorrect solution to a problem. Can, I mark it in any way just like we have "duplicate" questions?
The T's user avatar
  • 319
5 votes
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Is there a feature that will notify me about particular questions that I may be able to answer?

I've spent a fair amount of time learning just the basics of computer science in the past few months. And, it would be more beneficial for me to actually try to answer questions instead of asking them....
The T's user avatar
  • 319
1 vote
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I don’t think a user who answers an OP’s question should have his points reduced when the OP’s user account is removed

I answered an OP’s question some time ago but the OP’s user account was removed and thereafter the points I earned were deducted. I believe that in this scenario the points should remain intact since ...
tale852150's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Recently deleted questions invisible

In the past week, it has happened twice that questions I have answered have been deleted, but I was unable to see them in the moderator tools. One question I was able to find (and attempt to undelete) ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is this site the most appropriate to ask questions about distributed algorithms?

For example, suppose I have a doubt regarding how Paxos works or about the definition of FIFO broadcasts. Is this website the most suited for asking this kind of questions? For example, would this or ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Voting arrow colors are extremely low contrast

I have a lot of difficulty telling whether or not I have selected a vote on CS stack exchange. The difficult is probably magnified by color blindness (Deuteranomaly, affects 5% of men). It's hard to ...
Curtis F's user avatar
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9 votes
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Integration of an interactive graph editor

Asking here (also cross-asking at cstheory.meta.SE) because I couldn't find contact information for anyone at StackExchange who looked like they could help with this. UX.SE has Balsamiq mockups built-...
Joey's user avatar
  • 103
10 votes
1 answer

MathJax on Meta

I can't believe this has never been requested! Please activate MathJax on Computer Science Meta. It's necessary to provide support about MathJax usage. Meta sites should automatically have the same ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
0 votes
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Need to comment to a disappeared answer

@D.W. I asked a question. The user D.W. answered. Then I found a bug in his answer. Then I commented that I apparently know how to fix the bug (without thorough rewriting everything). But then D.W. ...
porton's user avatar
  • 433
9 votes
1 answer

Warn when some tags are used

Some tags seem to attract a significant amount of off-topic questions. Specifically, we have tags for specific programming languages like c, c++, java, python, prolog which seem to be used frequently ...
chi's user avatar
  • 14.6k
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Is fair to new users?

I am a new user (from last five months ), I have seen some users ( I don't want to take their names ) have asked a very very basic question or just definition around 4 or 5 year back, due to these ...
Complexity's user avatar
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Another self-deleted question

Yesterday I answered an interesting question on communication complexity (extending the communication protocol for equality so that it handles at most one error). The question has since vanished ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
4 votes
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Documentation for Computer Science

Would be cool to have a stackoverflow-like documentation section that explains algorithms, data structures, operating systems etc.
Egek92's user avatar
  • 101
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Why apply a 1-NN strategy to thank contributions

Recently, i was stuck with a problem so i ask a question here hoping someone can help me. I was suprised in a cool way thanks to 2 sweets answears. Both of them help me to figure out the theoritical ...
KyBe's user avatar
  • 235
6 votes
1 answer

Comments on deleted answers

Recently I gave a cryptical comment to an answer and I wanted to follow up and check whether the answer had been updated following my suggestion. It turned out I could not find my comment on my ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
  • 30.6k
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Let moderators edit /help/dont-ask

The help center page “What types of questions should I avoid asking?” is linked from a few places where people occasionally find it, including: the help center page “What topics can I ask about here?”...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Please consider supporting arXiv trackbacks on the mother Meta

One long-standing feature requests for the Stack Exchange engine is the implementation of trackbacks for mentions of the arXiv on Stack Exchange sites. In general, if you have a blog and you blog ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Please enable migration path to SO

As per community consensus we would like to have a migration path to Stack Overflow. Statistics shows that it would be used fairly often, and that the moderators (who currently have to perform all ...
Raphael's user avatar
  • 72.4k
2 votes
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Please enable JavaScripts in posts

I would like to propose feature of enabling JavaScript in posts. This is site about Computer Science and some question naturally fits into interactive mode, or this simplifies enumerating ...
Evil's user avatar
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Should questions close on a user who is currently editing an answer

It happened to me several times that a question closes while I am answering. It may sometimes be more than an hour wasted. I would expect not to be the only one to whom it happens. Could there be a ...
babou's user avatar
  • 19.5k
2 votes
2 answers

How to make good answers to bad questions more visible?

When looking at a list of questions, for example on page, we tend to assess the interest of the whole compound question+answers+comments from the vote rating given to ...
babou's user avatar
  • 19.5k
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Where to ask questions related to Real-Time-Systems/Embedded Systems?

I found no tags specific to Real-Time/Embedded system. Neither any question posted. I've few queries specific to real-time scheduling. Which stack-exchange should I use?
user1612078's user avatar
10 votes
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Please render mathematics in edit diffs

Edit diffs do not render mathematical formatting. For example, here's a view from a suggested edit review: This makes it difficult to understand what the mathematical parts of the new versions are. ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Belongs on stackoverflow close reason

I currently only see belongs on meta.cs close reason, when you choose to close as off-topic. Is it possible to add stackoverflow to it?
Aryabhata's user avatar
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Closed questions listed as "Possibly related"?

When looking at a question, at the right I see related ones. But often folling one of the links leads me to closed questions, and I understand that that means that the question isn't (very) relevant. ...
vonbrand's user avatar
  • 14k
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1 answer

questions that have been migrated to

Ive seen quite a few questions migrated from to however: am wondering about cases of the opposite, ie migration of questions on to does anyone know of some cases of this?...
vzn's user avatar
  • 11k
8 votes
2 answers

Do not automatically expire single-use tags

There is an automatic job that deletes single-use tags after 6 months. No attempt is made at determining whether the tags are good and should remain, or whether the tags are a variant name of another ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
7 votes
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Viewing single answers in math-heavy threads takes too long

MathJax is applied from top to bottom. That is often okay, but in cases like this one it disrups the experience; you have to wait quite a while (depending on your CPU) until a lower-ranked answer (you ...
Raphael's user avatar
  • 72.4k
3 votes
1 answer

Please unleash Trogdor on the homework tag

In accordance with the preliminary discussion on the homework tag and the homework policy adopted by a community poll, please burninate (remove and blackist) the homework tag.
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Please enable MathJax previews when editing tag wikis

MathJax works in tag wikis, but it is not enabled when editing them. Please enable MathJax in the editor preview in tag wikis.
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Creating tag synonyms for some arxiv tags

I suggest that we create the following tag synonyms: cc.complexity-theory -> complexity-theory ds.algorithms -> algorithms -> data-structures fl.formal-languages -> formal-...
Kaveh's user avatar
  • 22.2k
8 votes
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LaTeX in post preview is slow

I have been writing (and editing) a number of longer posts¹ with a lot of maths in them lately. Sadly, whenever you change a single character, the whole preview is reset which in particular means that ...
Raphael's user avatar
  • 72.4k
6 votes
1 answer

tags: security vs. computer-security

The tags security, computer-security seems to represent the same thing. I think we should make one a synonym for the other. The first one is shorter whereas the second one is more explicit. What do ...
Kaveh's user avatar
  • 22.2k
9 votes
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Request for the citation feature

cstheory.SE and math.SE have a link cite in the link popin that offers BibTeX and amsrefs for proper citing of questions and ...
Raphael's user avatar
  • 72.4k
6 votes
4 answers

Syntax highlighting -- should we have it?

I expect to see pseudo code and maybe even HPL code on regular basis. I think syntax highlighting would be a great thing to have. On Stackoverflow, code is highlighted nicely; the schema used is ...
Raphael's user avatar
  • 72.4k
30 votes
1 answer

Request for LaTeX notation?

I think this website needs LaTeX notation, and I'm guessing I'm not the only one with this feeling. How can we ask StackExchange for that feature?
Janoma's user avatar
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