I have seen an increasing number of questions where the author takes a scan/screenshot of part of their textbook and includes this image in their question. Typically, the image contains some exercise they want us to solve, but it could be anything, such as an algorithm or theorem or statement from the book that they want help understanding.
When the core of the question is only contained in an image, one big disadvantage is that question can't be found easily by search. None of the text in the image will be searchable. If the substance of the question is present only in an image, and not in text, then it makes it very hard for others to find the question. That's bad for others who might be interested in the same question, because it means they can't benefit from the knowledge here. And, it's bad for the site, because it means the site loses a chance to attract people through Google search. A significant fraction of our community probably comes from people who searched for something in a search engine, found a link to a question here, and decided to participate more in the site. Questions whose content is buried inside an image are not indexable and will not help attract traffic to the site. So, it seems like these kinds of questions are at odds with the StackExchange goals.
My question to the community. How do we feel about questions where the technical substance of the question is contained solely or primarily in an image/scan, rather than in text?
Should we establish a site policy that discourages or forbids questions of those form? Is there a consensus among the community that those kinds of questions are problematic? If so, how should we handle them? Should we establish a site policy that questions whose technical content is found only in a scanned image will be closed? Should we establish a site policy that, as a general rule, question-authors should be re-typesetting the information in text or Mathjax/Latex, rather than including it as an image? What do folks here think?
References: I've found some discussion of this sort of issue on the main Meta site (Meta.SO), e.g., How to handle images containing text (vs text)? and Allowed to post scanned page from text book on SE and Using only an image as an answer?. The reaction there to this sort of practice seems to be uniformly negative. Do we agree? Should we establish a site policy against this practice?