I need help. Would you volunteer to run for moderator in the next election?
I think it's important for the site's health that we recruit another moderator to the moderation team. There is a wide variance in how active the current moderators are. We had an extended period of time where one of us was handling basically all flags, and that's not healthy. If something happens to one of us, we could be suddenly left with only one moderator who can be active... or worse, with none. Also, I don't think it's healthy in the long run for so many decisions to be made by one person; I think it's better to have more checks and balances among the moderator team.
If you're willing to self-nominate, would you leave an answer saying "I'll run!"? I'm told that Stack Exchange will schedule an election if two or more of you are willing to run for election.
Past election. We tried to hold an election earlier, but only one person stood for election, so the election was cancelled. Stack Exchange policy requires there to be two or more nominees, so that there is a real choice.
I realize that several people proposed that the Stack Exchange software should be changed to allow voting for "None of the above", and to allow holding an election with only one nominee. That is not going to happen (at least not any time soon, if ever). Such a system does not exist now. If we want an election now, we must work within the system that exists. Personally I do not think it would be the right use of resources to spend developer time creating that; there are many other improvements to the network that I would place as a higher priority for developers to work on. In any case, advocacy to change the election system won't help me solve the problem we face right now. If you want to advocate for that, you can always make your case by posting on Meta.SE, but right now I'm hoping we can find people who will be willing to support the site by standing for election. For now, could I ask for your help focusing on running a successful election?
I recommend you only nominate yourself if you'd be willing to serve if you win the election.
What do moderators do? Moderators handle exceptional situations. We process flags, issue suspensions, investigate vote fraud, try to facilitate discussions where needed, and step in if things get out of hand.
How much is the time commitment? Not much. A few minutes a day, on average.
Closing thoughts. The site is not at imminent risk of being shut down. We do have the minimum number of mods. But I do think we should add a fourth mod to the moderator team, to ensure the continued health of the site. I could use the help. Thank you for considering it!
Update (May 31): Great news -- enough people have indicated willingness to run, to enable us to hold an election. Thank you all! So, SE will be running an election in June. See Upcoming 2023 election for more.