This site has been in public beta for a week, and it'll soon be time for us to get moderators. During the beta period, moderators are selected by Stack Exchange staff (there will be elections once the site graduates). This is all explained in the blog post Moderators pro tempore, which I invite you to read. Citing the most salient points:
About a week into the public beta, we will seek out members who are deeply engaged in the community’s development; members who:
- Have a reasonably high reputation score to indicate active, consistent participation.
- Show an interest in their meta’s community-building activities.
- Lead by example, showing patience and respect for their fellow community members in everything they write.
- Exhibit those intangible traits discussed in A Theory of Moderation.
The purpose of this post is to seek out candidates. Are you interested in being involved in the site? Do you think you have the qualities outlined above? Then please manifest yourself! Have you noticed someone who you would like to see as a moderator? Then nominate that person. Some rules:
- Each nomination should be posted as a separate answer. Link the name to the user’s profile (parent and meta) so we can see their activity. Links to other activities may be helpful: Area 51 participation, participation in other sites, blog posts reviewing or announcing the site, etc.
- Self-nominations are okay, even encouraged.
- If the nomination was posted by a 3rd-party, the nominee should indicate their acceptance by editing the answer, adding that they accept the nomination. Optionally they can write something about themselves.
- These nominations are not binding on either the nominees or Stack Exchange staff.