More elementary questions?
I asked a question here on meta about stocking the site with frequently-asked questions on introductory material, to which we could provide very strong answers before the public beta. The answer was that we should not ask elementary questions just to stock the beta, so I have not been doing that, although I think there could be a lot of value in it.
More advanced questions?
I feel like we're getting plenty of "advanced" questions, no more are required. We are going to want to attract lots of people, lots of good answers, lots of votes, and asking purposefully difficult questions is not going to help that. It doesn't help that a lot of questions in CS have as their best answer "nobody knows".
More varied questions?
I have been trying this, and the questions seem to get a good number of votes and in some cases attract some discussion... so this might be a good way to go. Surely more variety will attract a wider user base, get more people involved, and (very importantly) help to solidify the scope of the site. I say yes to this.
More users to provide questions?
I definitely feel like this one is important. It seems obvious to me that avid users, who want to see this site turn into anything, should be asking at least as many questions as they provide answers. More good questions will attract more good users and help solidify the site's scope; good answers might keep experts away (why compete for rep when a few people are scrambling to get all the votes on a few questions) and I doubt it would attract a lot of novices (who are more likely to be drive-by posters, if CS.SE becomes anything like SO). I say yes to this.
More answers?
Asking more questions will lead to more answers as well, without (necessarily) increasing the fraction of bad answers, which would probably increase if we were to just give more (arbitrary) answers for each question. Not a fan.
Better answers?
Better questions will naturally lead to better answers. We need to focus on asking a bunch of good questions in a variety of areas, and answers will increase in quantity and (possibly) quality as well.
More users to provide answers?
See above.
Something else?
It could be useful for avid users to ask easy questions with no intention to answer each other's questions. This might attract users who aren't as interested (currently) by making it possible to get more points, since they won't have to compete with avid (and, one would assume, generally somewhat well-qualified) users. This might be counter to the whole Q&A thing that SE does, but it might be a (temporary) sacrifice worth making. An implementation that might work is to just put a hold on users above a certain rep (200? 500? 1000?) from answering any question which hasn't been around for two days.